Tuesday, July 16, 2024

After Dismissal of Bankruptcy Case, Here’s What’s Next for Giuliani


After Dismissal of Bankruptcy Case, Here’s What’s Next for Giuliani?

 Without the protection of Chapter 11, the former mayor and Trump lawyer could have his assets seized and sold by creditors. See the article in the New York Times. The article can be found at

When Mayor Giuliani filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, he received the benefit of Section 362 of the Bankruptcy Code, which provides an automatic stay against lawsuits and enforcement of judgments so the debtor can reorganize. With the dismissal of the bankruptcy case, Mayor Giuliani loses the protection of the automatic stay, and his assets can be liened or levied by creditors. 

Individuals with questions about the automatic stay or personal bankruptcy should contact Jim Shenwick, Esq.

Jim Shenwick, Esq  917 363 3391 

Please click the link to schedule a telephone call with me.

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