Monday, June 10, 2024

Asset Protection Planning

Many clients have contacted us recently regarding Asset Protection Planning. This post discusses Asset Protection Planning and the strategies used in it.

What is Asset Protection Planning? Asset protection planning refers to the legal techniques and strategies employed to protect an individual's assets from creditors or liabilities.

Is Asset Protection Planning legal? Yes, provided that the strategies used are not fraudulent conveyances or made with the intent to defraud creditors. In counseling clients who request Asset Protection Planning, we review the property they own, their existing and future liabilities, and their budget.

In counseling clients who request Asset Protection Planning, we review the property owned by the client, their existing liabilities, future liabilities, and their budget.

For example, if a client is married and owns a house, is the house held as tenancy by entirety with their spouse? If a client owns a house, are they living in it so they can claim the NYS homestead exemption? If they have a pension plan (such as IRA, SEP, or 401(k)), are those plans fully funded?

Other opportunities may exist as well.

However, if a client is subject to a pending lawsuit or claim, the Asset Protection Planning opportunities are limited. Those clients with questions about Asset Protection Planning should contact Jim Shenwick, Esq.

Jim Shenwick, Esq.



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