Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Here's What Happens When a Company You've Invested in Goes Bankrupt

 The Motley Fool has an article about 

Here's What Happens When a Company You've Invested in Goes Bankrupt.

Jim Shenwick, Esq  917 363 3391

Please click the link to schedule a telephone call with me.

We held individuals & businesses with too much debt!

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

EIDL Loan Approved: Now What? A Comprehensive Guide for Small Business Owners

EIDL Loan Approved: Now What? A Comprehensive Guide for Small Business Owners

Small Biz Trends has a very helpful article on EIDL loans. The article can be found at

Jim Shenwick, Esq  917 363 3391

Please click the link to schedule a telephone call with me.

We held individuals & businesses with too much debt!

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Yahoo Finance article on Filing for Personal Bankruptcy

Yahoo Finance has a very informative article on filing for personal  bankruptcy? The article can be found at 

Jim Shenwick, Esq  917 363 3391

Please click the link to schedule a telephone call with me.

We held individuals & businesses with too much debt!

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Bankruptcies are skyrocketing — and that’s only half the story see interesting article on The Hill-URL below.


Bankruptcies are skyrocketing — and that’s only half the story. Interesting article about the increase in bankruptcy filings in The Hill. URL for the story is below.

Jim Shenwick, Esq.  917 363 3391

We help individuals & companies with too much debt!

Monday, May 22, 2023

Shenwick & Associates New Website

 Jim Shenwick is proud to announce that our new & improved website can be viewed at

Jim Shenwick, Esq 917 363 3391

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Repeat Bankruptcies Are Piling Up at Fastest Rate Since 2009


Yahoo Finance is reporting that "Repeat Bankruptcies Are Piling Up at Fastest Rate Since 2009".  The article can be found at 

Jim Shenwick, Esq   917 363 3391
We held individuals & companies with too much debt!

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Offers In Compromise ("OIC") for Non SBA EIDL loans and Section 108 of the Internal Revenue Code ("IRC"), Relief of Indebted Income, a Trap for the Unwary!

Offers In Compromise ("OIC") for Defaulted SBA Non  EIDL loans and Section 108 of the Internal Revenue Code ("IRC"), Relief of Indebted  Income, a Trap for the Unwary!

Many clients contact Jim Shenwick, Esq regarding assistance with their defaulted SBA Non EIDL loans and ask that we assist them with filing an OIC with the SBA.


By way of background, if an individual or a company borrows money from the SBA and is unable to repay their loan, one option is to file an OIC with the SBA, requesting that they be allowed to pay only a portion of the money's due on the defaulted Non EIDL loan as final and full payment for the SBA loan. 

For example, let's assume that an individual borrowed $200,000 on an Non EIDL loan and hypothetically offered $25,000 as a lump sum payment to the SBA as a final and full payment on the defaulted SBA loan (OIC offer) 

The SBA OIC program is similar to the OIC program for outstanding taxes owed to the IRS.

 Historically, to file for an OIC  with the SBA, the business had to  close. However, recently the SBA has changed their rules, and they are now allowing individuals or businesses with defaulted SBA loans to file an OIC even if the business is still open. 

The SBA has an Offer in Compromise form that must be filed, in addition to other forms, that detail the business’s assets, liabilities, revenue, & expenses and why the SBA Non EIDL loan cannot be repaid.

However, filing for an offer in compromise with the SBA may not benefit the borrower because it may result in taxable income resulting from relief of indebtedness income pursuant to Section 108 of the IRC.



Section 108 of the Internal Revenue Code, provides that if an individual or a business borrows money and does not repay that money, the amount that is not repaid is considered ordinary income. For example, assume an individual borrows $100,000 from a bank and repays $50,000; according to the IRS, the taxpayer has been enriched to the sum of $50,000, and the bank is required to report "relief of indebtedness income" of $50,000 to the IRS on Form 1099-C. If the taxpayer does not report this income to the IRS, they will be audited and assessed interest and penalties on the taxes they did not report and pay.

 There are two exceptions to "relief of indebtedness income" The first exception, is the Bankruptcy Exception (see Section 108(a)(1)(A) of the IRC). If an individual or business files for bankruptcy, they do not have to report relief indebtedness income. The second exception is  the Insolvency Exception, (see Section 108(d)(3) of the IRC). If an individual's or company's liabilities exceed their assets on the date that the loan is satisfied, partially paid off or discharged, they also do not have to pay relief of indebtedness income. 

An example of the Insolvency Exception is as follows: an individual owns real estate and personal property worth $250,000, has liabilities totaling $500,000 (Insolvent). Under this scenario, if the taxpayer  had $200,000 of relief of indebtedness income (since their liabilities exceed their assets) they  would not have to  pay tax on the $200,000 of a relief of indebtedness income.

Accordingly, taxpayers and their advisors make the mistake of filing for an OIC with the SBA, without considering the tax consequences of that decision. If they do that, they will have effectively traded an SBA problem (the defaulted SBA Non EIDL loan) with an Internal Revenue Service relief of indebtedness income problem in the near term.

For example, assume a taxpayer had an LLC which borrowed $200,000 from the SBA in the form of an Non EIDL loan. The LLC  was unable to repay the Non EIDL loan, and their plan was to file an offer in compromise with the SBA in the amount of $25,000. Assume that  the taxpayer  who owned the LLC also had a $1 million pension plan. If this taxpayer were to file for an OIC with the SBA,  and if the OIC offer were accepted by the SBA, the  taxpayer would have to report $175,000 of ordinary income on their tax return ($200,000-$25,000),  provided that the Bankruptcy Exception and the Insolvency Exception do not apply. If the taxpayer was in a 30% tax bracket, they would have to pay $52,500.00 ($175,000 x 30%) in taxes in addition to the $25,000 they paid to the SBA (for the OIC) for a total of $77,500. 

In the above scenario, if  the LLC had filed for chapter 7 bankruptcy, they could have avoided paying the SBA $25,000 (OIC) and saved $52,500 in taxes—a better result for the borrower.

The bottom line is that prior to filing for an OIC with the SBA, an individual or business considering making an offer must consider the tax consequences of the offer as well!

 Clients or advisors with questions about defaulted Non EIDL loans are encouraged to contact Jim Shenwick, Esq.   917 363 3391.

Please click the link to schedule a telephone call with me.

Jim is a Bankruptcy and Workout attorney with an LLM in Taxation from NYU Law School and he has SBA Non  EIDL default experience. 

Jim Shenwick SBA EIDL Blog Posts:

EIDL Loan Default Questions & Answers


EIDL Defaulted Loans

New Relief Program for SBA EIDL Borrowers Who are Having Difficulty Repaying EIDL Loans " Hardship Accommodation Plan"


PPP & EIDL Fraud

Better to connect-What small business owners need to know about repaying loans tied to pandemic relief from the SBA EIDL Loans

Sunday, May 14, 2023

Small businesses expect to fail. Here’s what will happen to their PPP loans.

June 24, 2020


Key Points
  • Small businesses have received nearly $630 billion in combined funding through the Paycheck Protection Program and the Economic Injury Disaster Loan program.
  • Nearly a quarter of small businesses are considering closing permanently due to Covid-19, one survey found.
  • All PPP loans and EIDL loans of less than $25,000 have terms that are relatively favorable to borrowers if they need to close.



EIDL Loan Default Questions & Answers EIDL LOAN DEFAULT DOCUMENT REVIEW, WORKOUT, BANKRUPTCY FILING & OFFER IN COMPROMISE EIDL Defaulted Loans New Relief Program for SBA EIDL Borrowers Who are Having Difficulty Repaying EIDL Loans " Hardship Accommodation Plan" EIDL LOANS and SBA OFFER IN COMPROMISE PROGRAM PPP & EIDL Fraud Better to connect-What small business owners need to know about repaying loans tied to pandemic relief from the SBA EIDL Loans

Thursday, May 11, 2023

People Love to Threaten Bankruptcy

 Above the Law blog had an article written by Jordan Rothman titled "People Love to Threaten Bankruptcy During Litigation", the article can be found at

Jordan is correct in that many defendants in litigation threaten bankruptcy to obtain a favorable settlement. However, in my experience as a bankruptcy practitioner, many parties that threaten bankruptcy often file and those cases are generally filed as a chapter 7 liquidation, where after the payment of Bankruptcy Trustee fees and expenses, there is little money to distribute to unsecured creditors.

In fact, when the threat to file is made by an experienced bankruptcy attorney, it has an even greater impact and we have settled many cases with that approach. In fact, we will often prepare a draft of a bankruptcy petition and send it to an adversary for settlement purposes only, showing what the creditor would receive in a bankruptcy filing (we call this a "pro forma bankruptcy petition").


Alternatively, we are often retained by litigators or their clients to determine what their client would receive if their adversary filed for bankruptcy-we call this a "back of the envelope calculation".

Parties wishing to discuss these issues are encouraged to contact Jim Shenwick, Esq   917 363 3391



Monday, May 08, 2023

Weight Loss Brand Jenny Craig Files for Bankruptcy, Shuts Down

Weight Loss Brand Jenny Craig Files for Bankruptcy, Shuts Down

 Bloomberg is reporting that Jenny Craig files for Bankruptcy last week and is shutting down. People and companies that are owed money should file a Proof of Claim & landlord's should expect that their leases with Jenny Craig will be rejected. Individuals or companies having questions about the Jenny Craig bankruptcy filing should contact Jim Shenwick, Esq 917 363 3391

We help companies & individuals with too much debt!

Friday, May 05, 2023

New Relief Program for SBA EIDL Borrowers Who are Having Difficulty Repaying EIDL Loans " Hardship Accommodation Plan"

 The SBA has announced a "Hardship Accommodation Plan" for EIDL loan borrowers.

New Relief Program for SBA EIDL Borrowers Who are Having Difficulty Repaying EIDL Loans " Hardship Accommodation Plan"

If approved, the Hardship Accommodation Plan will reduce the borrower’s payment to 10% of their monthly payment for six months, after which their regular monthly payment will resume unless they apply for, and receive, another six-month extension.

Loans under $200,000 can enroll in a hardship accommodation plan through their MySBA Loan Portal. For larger loans, they will need to call the Covid EIDL Servicing Center.

For businesses with Covid EIDL loans that are under $200,000, the SBA requires, along with an offer in compromise application, the most recent profit and loss statements, most recent balance sheet and the most recent three months of history for all business checking accounts, along with its most recent federal tax returns and any copies of a purchase agreement or dissolution documentation if sold or shut down.

This information will be used to  evaluate a borrower’s ability to repay the outstanding EIDL loan.

If outstanding EIDL SBA loans are not repaid the SBA can pursue the business's collateral, commence litigation, wage garnishment or intercept tax refunds.

Jim Shenwick, Esq. 917 363 3391

We help individuals & companies with too much debt!



EIDL Loan Default Questions & Answers EIDL LOAN DEFAULT DOCUMENT REVIEW, WORKOUT, BANKRUPTCY FILING & OFFER IN COMPROMISE EIDL Defaulted Loans New Relief Program for SBA EIDL Borrowers Who are Having Difficulty Repaying EIDL Loans " Hardship Accommodation Plan" EIDL LOANS and SBA OFFER IN COMPROMISE PROGRAM PPP & EIDL Fraud Better to connect-What small business owners need to know about repaying loans tied to pandemic relief from the SBA EIDL Loans

Thursday, May 04, 2023

With consumer debt at an all-time high, a financial planner explains who should consider bankruptcy Business Insider article

With consumer debt at an all-time high, a financial planner explains who should consider bankruptcy Business Insider

The article can be found at the Business Insider at

Jim Shenwick Esq  917 363 3391

Please click the link to schedule a telephone call with me.

We help individuals & companies with too much debt!

Wednesday, May 03, 2023

Small Business Subchapter V Bankruptcy Filings Increase 81% Y/Y, Commercial Chapter 11 Filings Up 32% Y/Y


Small Business Subchapter V Bankruptcy Filings Increase 81% Y/Y, Commercial Chapter 11 Filings Up 32% Y/Y

The story can be found at
Subchapter V is a scaled down  form of simplified chapter 11 bankruptcy filing for small businesses.  Individuals or businesses interested in obtaining more information about Sub V filings can contact Jim Shenwick, Esq  917 363 3391
Please click the link to schedule a telephone call with me.

We help individuals & businesses with too much debt!